2013年10月7日 星期一

MakerBot MakerWare 2.3 釋出

MakerBot MakerWare 2.3| Release
MakerBot MakerWare 2.3 釋出

這個新聞已經出來幾天了,雖然沒有第一時間整理出來,而且諸多瑣事纏身,但是因為這次的改版有許多重量級的願望一一兌現,不得不先把事情放一邊。來看看到底這新版的MakerBot MakerWare 2.3 有甚麼驚人的突破吧!!!

MakerBot® MakerWare™ 是您駕馭 MakerBot® Replicator® 3D Printer 系列,理想的操作軟體。今日所發表的 2.3 版本無疑對每個用戶帶來諸多的功能,但更確切的說,是針對仰賴 MakerBot® Replicator® 2X 機種的雙噴頭功能的用戶,提供功能上的大躍進。我們不斷追求創新、努力工作,企圖去拓展雙噴頭列印功能的極限。現在我們已經準備好,讓各位體驗我們進階版的雙噴頭列印演算法,您將見識到為何 MakerBot Replicator 2X 的使用遠遠有別於過往!同時,我們在【材料的選擇】提供了各自的選單,並且在所有機種的平台上增加了【列印預視】這項特色功能。
前言:這次重要的更新包含了非常有幫助的特色,將會讓桌上型的 3d printer 帶入前所未有的簡單與樂趣! 
MakerBot® MakerWare™ is the ideal software to drive your MakerBot® Replicator® 3D Printer. Today's 2.3 release has great features for everyone, but is a giant leap forward for our MakerBot® Replicator® 2X Experimental 3D Printer owners. We've innovated, worked hard, and pushed the limits of dual extrusion. Now we're ready for you to experience our new Advanced Dual Extrusion algorithm and see why printing with the MakerBotReplicator 2X will never be the same. We've also doubled the amount of materials in our filament lineup and added a Print Preview feature for all our printers.The takeaway: This significant update contains really helpful features that will make desktop 3D printing even easier and more enjoyable.
Download MakerBot MakerWare 2.3 

Advanced Dual Extrusion

針對【MakerWare 如何控制雙色列印】這個議題,這次我們重新進行了一次思考。 想要在 3d printing 的工作流程中有更佳的控制體驗,並在列印品質上獲得重大的改善嗎?那你不會想錯過接下來的這些;這是第一次,Replicator 2X 將能夠針對各自的顏色(也就是各自的噴頭)進行【Raft】和【Support】功能的選擇!這意味著這兩者將能夠被各自的噴頭給列印出來,並提供一個更乾淨、更一致的多色列印表面。
為了保護您的雙色列印物件, 【Extrusion Guards】功能會在主列印物件的四周產生一對極薄的壁體;這些壁體有助於清理擠出頭流出的多餘塑料,減少噴嘴的堵塞,並且提供列印的產能。歡迎將您成功的雙色列印故事分享到下列的信箱:ADX@MakerBot.com
We've completely reimagined the way that MakerWare handles dual extrusion printing. Want better control over your 3D printing workflow and major improvements to the quality of your prints? Then you don't want to miss what comes next. For the first time, the MakerBot Replicator 2X will be able to print with color-matched rafts and color-matched support material. That means rafts and supports will print in multiple colors, creating cleaner, more consistent surfaces on your multicolored prints.
Protect your dual extrusion prints with Extrusion Guards, ultrathin barriers that wrap around the perimeter of your prints. These guards clean excess filament off of your extruder, reducing nozzle clogging and improving performance. Share your Advanced Dual Extrusion success stories by emailing ADX@MakerBot.com

Multimaterial Options

MakerWare 2.3 裡的新選項
MakerWare 2.3 版的新選項是允許在 Makerbot Replicator 3D printer 使用複數種材料。你可以使用 Flexible Filament 這種彈性材料還測試材料伸展的極限,或是使用 Dissolvable Filament 這種可溶解的材料,在雙色列印的 Replicator 2X 機種上作為支撐材的使用。這兩種材料在 2.3 版已經有各自對應的設定檔,關於如何編輯設定檔可以看這裡

New options in MakerWare 2.3 enable multimaterial usage on both of our MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers. You can stretch the limits of 3D printing with MakerBot® Flexible Filament for the MakerBot® Replicator® 2 and print detailed internal structures with MakerBot® Dissolvable Filament for the MakerBot Replicator 2X. There are custom profiles for both new members of our filament family in MakerWare 2.3. Read about how to create and edit Custom Profiles here.

Print Preview

Print Preview 功能可以讓你看到之後的結果。往後你不必再等待物件被印出來,才知道會是甚麼樣子。可以測試一下不同的色彩,或是探索一下分層的列印預視選項。檢視一下【粗估列印時間】與【粗估材料用量】,可以給你一個大概的列印數量。你也可以選擇把擠出的路徑給具現化,這樣就可以看到 support 與 infill 的部分。

Print Preview lets you see into the future. Now you don’t have to wait for an object to print to discover what it will look like when it’s done. Test out color possibilities, or explore your preview layer-by-layer. View time and materials estimates that tell you how much you’ll need of both to print your creation. You can even visualize extruder toolpaths to see where support will be applied and how infill patterns will look.

MakerBot® MakerWare RELEASE NOTES
  • New MakerBot Slicer Features:
    • Advanced Dual-Extrusion
      • Dual Extrusion Support Material
      • Dual Extrusion Rafts
      • Dual Extrusion Bridging
      • New Extrusion Guards for Dual-Extrusion prints
      • Control over which toolhead prints Rafts and Support
    • Multimaterial Printing using MakerBot Dissolvable Filament
    • A MakerBot Flexible Filament option for the Replicator 2
  • UI Changes
    • “Lay Flat” button
    • Objects too large for the build volume result in an alert and the option to resize the object
    • Orthographic projection skybox option
    • Print Preview
      • Toolpath Visualization
      • Material Estimation
      • Print Time Estimation
  • Conveyor Changes
    • Conveyor no longer uses PID files or the Python virtualenv
  • Changes in Firmware 7.5
    • Bug fix related to Heat Hold
    • Other minor bug fixes

  • Windows XP users should continue to use 2.2.2. MakerWare will not support this operating system going forward.

UPDATE: MakerWare 2.3.1 is now available with the following changes:
  • Nvidia顯示卡的顯示問題解決 
    A fix for graphics display failures on the latest Nvidia driver.
  • A fix for objects sometimes appearing black in Print Preview.

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